HOME > Galleries > PMF Connects > N. Rota: Nonetto - V. Vivacissimo
Jorge Hernández, double bass / PMF 2014
and more
I've been spending the 3 months of lockdown at home in Amsterdam. Me and my Intercontinental Ensemble tried to stay active during this whole period. We uploaded only a few small videos from our repertoire and some new arrangements, but it was quite a challenge to do them with everyone sitting at home.
Every summer I tried to do something different, festivals, traveling, stay with family, for sure this year has been special.
But I always will remember the summer of 2014 as one of the highlights of my life, when I attended PMF. I fell in love with the culture, the country, the food, the people, I will never forget it... Everything so different from what I was used to.
I completely support PMF's mission, and all the best wishes and long life to the festival.
Intercontinental Ensemble