
Though the 2020 Pacific Music Festival (PMF) had to be cancelled in light of the Covid-19 pandemic, now you can enjoy the all-online PMF Connects ~2020 Summer Festival~ during the same festival period! Featuring selections from past PMF concerts in video and audio formats, current performances from faculty and alumni all around the world, the release of the PMF 30th Anniversary Book, and much more, the website will be updated steadily throughout the month. Much of the content will be for a limited-time only; be sure to check often, and don't miss out!

PMF Connects ~2020 Summer Festival~
From July 10 (Fri) at 13:00 Japan Time, until August 3 (Mon)
*Some content will be available for only 24 hours. All schedules will be listed in Japan Time - be sure to check your local time!