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Elisa Tosca De Angelis


Dusseldorf Symphoniker academyas of March, 2023

Elisa Tosca De Angelis

Message (as an Academy member) to PMF supporters

What are you looking forward to about PMF?
Elisa Tosca De Angelis
I'm looking forward to meet amazing musicians and artists!
Please type a short message to music fans and those who support PMF in Sapporo and throughout Japan.
Elisa Tosca De Angelis
Come to listen our concerts!
【After PMF 2023】What are some impressions of your time in Sapporo?
Elisa Tosca De Angelis
It was the first time outside Europe and I was fascinated by the new culture and different customs of Japan. Listening to the different ways of playing of my colleagues and professors from all over the world inspired me a lot! I grew up a lot as a musician and I could feel the energy of every single person during the concerts... the result of our performances was every time magical!
【After PMF 2023】What did you take away from your time at PMF?
Elisa Tosca De Angelis
I think it was one of the most incredible experiences I had in my career and I've meet amazing people that I will take with me forever.
【After PMF 2023】What advice would you give to people thinking of auditioning for PMF?
Elisa Tosca De Angelis
I would advise applying every time until you get It! It's a fantastic place and the staff is amazing
