PMF Founded by Leonard BernsteinPMF MUSIC PARTNER Summer 2019

The PMF Opening Concert, Picnic Concert, and GALA Concert were all great successes, bringing the first half of PMF 2019 to a successful close.
Now the second half of the festival has begun, with Mahler's grand Symphony No. 8, the "Symphony of a Thousand" conducted by Christoph Eschenbach, and continuing on with another large-scale masterwork, Shostakovich’s mercurial Symphony No. 4, conducted by Artistic Director Valery Gergiev!

The PMF Picnic and GALA Concerts
#pmf2019 It's show time! Let's get the show started with Instagram

Instagram offers close access to what’s happening each day at PMF, and now, if you post your PMF-related content with the hashtags #pmf2019 and #pmfsapporo, your photo may be selected to be displayed on the PMF website!

#pmf2019 It’s show time!

PMF 2019 Academy

Get to know each 2019 Academy member on the PMF 2019 Academy page, with a photo and brief message from each of them!

PMF 2019 Academy
PMF 2019 Academy

PMF Crowdfunding

Support the musicians of the future!

PMF has now begun a new crowdfunding initiative, allowing you to contribute to the work of the festival easily.

Makuake PMF Crowdfunding

PMF 2019 T-Shirt Giveaway

PMF 2019 T-Shirt

Back by popular demand, we once again present the PMF T-shirt giveaway!

Simply send an email to by August 1 with your postal address and shirt size.
(Japanese T-shirt sizes are slightly smaller than Western sizes. For example, a US M is close to a Japanese L.)
A small number of randomly selected respondents will receive PMF 2019 T-shirts (without prior announcement) free of charge!

This email is delivered to those who have registered for this service and to PMF supporters.
● Those who wish to change their registered information or cancel their email subscription should contact us at
● Feel free to contact with any questions or comments concerning this email service.

Pacific Music Festival Organizing Committee
Sumitomo Seimei Sapporo Chuo Bldg. 1F 1-14, Minami 2 jo, Higashi 1 chome,
Chuo-ku, Sapporo 060-0052
TEL: +81-11-242-2211  FAX: +81-11-242-1687
(c) PACIFIC MUSIC FESTIVAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE all rights reserved.Donations for the Creation of the 25th Anniversary Project Bernstein Statue (Report)